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Coaching services

Connect with the curious, courageous, compassionate leader that you are meant to be.

Our coaching approach

Our coaching approach is based on the 6 C's of consciousness, compassion, curiosity, creaticty, courage and connection.

Coaching packages

We customize our coaching packages to suit your individual needs, goals, available time, and the investment you're willing to make in yourself, guided by the following principles:

What our clients say

Mbali Milanzi, Director Of Sales And Business Development at Tshepa Basadi Group (PTY) LTD

I have a sizable list of people who have played a crucial role in my career and business journey and Briony is certainly high on that list. Briony has challenged me to have difficult conversations with the people around me, and she’s taught me to create a holistic life, by making space for more me time, and doing things that are more meaningful outside of work. She has also challenged me to put myself out there. Briony is one of the kindest, most compassionate, direct, and firm people that I know. I look up to
Briony and she’s a valuable part my network.

Let's connect

© Copyright 2025 reserved by Briony Liber and The Briony Liber Coaching Group (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg South Africa |
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