Coaching services
Connect with the curious, courageous, compassionate leader that you are meant to be.
Our coaching approach
Our coaching approach is based on the 6 C's of consciousness, compassion, curiosity, creaticty, courage and connection.
1. Consciousness
Most of us go through our lives unconscious, habituated, unaware of what's going on, how it's getting in our way and how it's affecting the way we show up in our lives and our careers.
The first step in our coaching journey is getting conscious. When we can name what's going on, we can start to manage it.
2. Curiousity
Then we get curious. Curious about everything that is holding you back.
Our mission is to help you get perspective, to shine a light on things that are there, but that you can't see, to ask you questions that might rattle your thinking, that will definitely shift you out of your comfort zone, and that may result in you saying "I didn't know that I could think about it this way".
3. Self-compassion
It takes self-compassion to move forward, to shift away from an inner critic voice that has been spinning you a lifelong version of the truth to keep you safe in a set of coping strategies that keep you small.
It takes self-compassion to quieten your inner critic and kick start the process of redefining what's true for you.
4. Creativity
Once you are ready to redefine your truth, we engage creativity. We brainstorm and think laterally about how you could do things differently, how you could be different.
Our job is to create a safe space for you to truly think for yourself, to design big leaps, to imagine your future, to design your actions.
We work on bold, heartfelt and generative gift-giving goals - goals that are intrinsically motivating, and then we map out the steps towards your goals using 3-horizon thinking.
5. Courage
Action requires courage. We access your courage using various techniques including multiple brain integration techniques, connecting with your future self, and strengthening your connection to your goals.
We work on accessing your courage to be kind rather than nice, to be directly challenging while being deeply caring, and by having the courage to be brutally honest with yourself.
6. Connection
Our clients finish their coaching journey experiencing a deeper sense of connection.
Connection to themselves through greater self-awareness.
Connection to others because they have strengthened their communication, their self-advocacy, their positioning, their ability to be kind rather than nice.
Connection to their purpose.
Connection to their competence.
Connection to their career.
Coaching packages
We customize our coaching packages to suit your individual needs, goals, available time, and the investment you're willing to make in yourself, guided by the following principles:
Coaching is a journey
Establishing a coaching relationship takes time and generally a minimum of 6 sessions are recommended for new clients.
Rates are scaled for private clients
Coaching session rates for private clients range from R1800 to R2500 excluding VAT for a one-hour 1:1 session, depending on the type of coaching. Different rates may apply for coaching corporate-sponsored coaching.
Sessions are held online
All sessions are conducted online via Teams. In-person sessions will incur an additional fee.
What our clients say

Mbali Milanzi, Director Of Sales And Business Development at Tshepa Basadi Group (PTY) LTD
I have a sizable list of people who have played a crucial role in my career and business journey and Briony is certainly high on that list. Briony has challenged me to have difficult conversations with the people around me, and she’s taught me to create a holistic life, by making space for more me time, and doing things that are more meaningful outside of work. She has also challenged me to put myself out there. Briony is one of the kindest, most compassionate, direct, and firm people that I know. I look up to
Briony and she’s a valuable part my network.